TONIGHT - 7.30pm
Tottenham Chances
399 High Rd, London, N17 6QN
A BIZARRE campaign has been launched offering cash to those who bombard BNP nasty Nick Griffin with ETHNIC food.
The far-right chief had to abort his Euro MP success speech outside Parliament this week when he was pelted with eggs by political opponents. Now a website is offering a £200 reward to those that dare to chuck a chow mein, fling a fajita, launch a lamb tikka or hit him with a volley of vindaloo.
A spokesman for the site – www.bragster.com – said: “He will be out and about a lot in the coming days, so now is the time to strike. “Let’s show him just how much fun international diversity can be.”
The dare, which must be supported by video or photo proof, came as Griffin showed signs of cracking under the political strain yesterday by clutching a box of eggs. It was supposed to be a dig at the protesters who targeted him.
Instead of raising a chuckle, the 50-year old was once again hit by a deafening barrage of chants including “Nick Griffin Is Fascist Scum” and “Nazi Scum Off Our Streets”.
Griffin was throwing a press conference after winning a North-West seat to become a Euro MP for the BNP. He was barred from staging the conference at Manchester Town Hall, so he picked the nearby Ace of Diamonds pub, run by Derek Adams, who stood unsuccessfully to become a BNP councillor.
Union flags were strewn around the bar room as police kept around 50 protesters waving Unite Against Fascism banners at bay. Sipping half a pint of bitter, Griffin tore into all the mainstream political parties and said: “I think it’s very sad to see that hostile mob.
"They are allowed to register a protest but should not be allowed to get away with this level of violence and abuse on the streets of Britain.”
Griffin was one of two BNP candidates elected as an MEP last weekend. Andrew Brons, 61, won the other for Yorkshire and Humber. Griffin won his seat despite his party polling only 8% of the North-West vote.
Taken from www.dailystar.co.uk
I was one of the people that went at the last minute to College Green, triumphantly chasing off Nick Griffin and his fascist cronies from the press conference that he attempted to set up. It was a great achievement to catch Griffin in the middle of spouting his lies to the press. Seeing his terrified, egg-covered face as he ran away was satisfying to say the least!
This was a great achievement - Not only because we managed to chase him off that day, but also due to the amount of media coverage achieved. Having Martin Smith and Weyman Bennett on the news exposing the BNP's fascist views has already inspired people all over the country to get involved.
This is not the end by any stretch of the imagination. The BNP's election in Yorkshire and the North West has given them more airtime, more money to spread their propaganda, and more connections with other fascist parties already at large in Europe.
Nick Griffin will also now be under a lot pressure from the more militant members of his group to start to march on the streets. We need to be there in the largest numbers possible to make sure that we show them that these are OUR streets, and this country does not tolerate racism of any kind.
This is why we need you to sign up to UAF today and get involved in the fight. Unity is the key to stop these Nazi scumbags and show that they don't represent us.
Black and White. Unite and fight. Smash the BNP.
Stuart Curlett - UAF North London
There is a serious danger that the fascist BNP will gain seats in the European elections tomorrow if people don't turn out and vote against them. Your vote can make the difference between the BNP winning and losing.
The time to act is now – make sure you vote against the BNP, and make sure all your friends, colleagues and family understand how important it is for them to get out and vote.
URGENT: Defend Multiculturalism, sign the petition today. Don't allow Cameron to play the 'race card', our diversity is our strength! Click here to sign.
Saturday 5th February: Stop the EDL in Luton! No to the Racist Thugs!
Saturday 26th June: Keep Barking Nazi free! 11am at Jazzie Jake's cafe in Barking.
Monday 28th June: Unite Against Fascism London Rally at Friends Meeting House, Euston.
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