Saturday 14 January 2012

Islington UAF - Launch Public Meeting

Unite Against Fascism

Celebrate Diversity
Defend Multiculturalism
Oppose Islamophobia
and Racism

Islington UAF will be holding a launch public meeting on Wednesday January 25th at 7pm in Finsbury Park Mosque (7-11 St Thomas’s Road N4 2QH). There is Disabled Access with internet @ Finspace 225-229 Seven Sisters Rd, N4.

The meeting is supported by Islington Trades Council, Finsbury Park Mosque, Islington Hands Off Our Public Services and Muslim Welfare House.
All are welcome to attend.

Speakers will include;
  • Jeremy Corbyn (MP for Islington North)
  • Imam Ahmed Saad (Finsbury Park Mosque)
  • Emily Thornberry (MP for Islington South & Finsbury)
  • Hassan Mahamdallie (Editor, 'Defending Multiculturalism)
  • Catherine West (Leader, Islington Council)
  • Rev. Jennifer Potter (Chair, Islington Inter Faith Forum)
  • Weyman Bennett (Joint National Secretary, Unite Against Fascism)
  • Mark Campbell (Chair London Met UCU & UCU NEC)
Click here to download a copy of the leaflet for the meeting. Please distribute.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Say NO to Nazi Bands in north London!

More than 40 anti-fascists picketed the Slimelight (Electrawerkz) club on Saturday night (25th June). The Islington venue hosted Sol Invictus and a number of bands with known fascist links. Slimelight’s manager May Uan Mak refused to cancel the concert despite telling a local reporter:

“These bands do have clear fascist connections…It would be impossible for me to deny that...Art can be fascist too. The fascist language can be just as powerful as any other language”

Many local residents passing by were shocked that such a concert headlined by a band that includes one member, Andrew King who recently released a song that includes lyrics about “monkey men” and “only the smell of blood will smother the smell of subhuman dung” and concludes “you’ll never kill the Aryan soul…White man was born for battle” should be taking place in their borough and a number joined the picket.

Although many going to the concert were unaware of Sol Invictus’ history, worryingly there were a number of concert-goers that sported swastikas and SS uniforms and were a direct insult and a threat to every Jew, Muslim, Black, Asian, gay and lesbian trade unionist and socialist who were horrified by the symbols of the Nazis that were responsible for the Holocaust that exterminated millions in Germany in the lead up and during the Second World War. An Islington councillor, James Murray spoke to the protestors promising that he would support the campaign to stop any fascist concerts taking place in the borough in the future.

Despite the protests, more bands stuffed with fascist sympathisers are billed to play at Slimelight on 1stOctober. Headlining in October are Sutcliffe Jugend, led by Kevin Tomkins, who plays with a band called Whitehouse. Whitehouse leader William Bennett is quoted as saying how Whitehouse are "concerned with the struggle against the unhealthy Negroid influence in popular music". Another Whitehouse member Peter Sotos was convicted for possessing child pornography after he was busted by Chicago PD for producing a fanzine called Pure, in which Sotos says "females are dogs whose only worth is as pawns for my pleasure" and describes death camps as "Triumphs of Nazism". The local trades council, teachers, civil servants, lecturers and health service unions in Islington have pledged to back the campaign to stop Slimelight management allowing fascist bands a platform in the area.

LoveMusicHateRacism and Unite Against Fascism will continue to oppose the actions of Slimelight management, and will campaign for the cancellation of the gig in October.

We are holding a organising meeting at 7.30PM this Thursday July 14th at the Pleasance Bar (Near Caledonian Road Station). We invite all anti-racists and anti-fascists to attend.

Please contact LMHR north London: if you plan to attend.


National demo against racist EDL in Tower Hamlets: Saturday September 3rd.

Unite Against Fascism, together with United East End and other community organisations, is calling a national demonstration against the racist English Defence League on Saturday September 3rd.

Go here to download leaflets

The EDL is threatening to come to Tower Hamlets that day to spread race hatred and attack the local Muslim community.

Last year, around 5,000 people marched through Tower Hamlets in an impressive show of strength and unity against the EDL, although the racists had already been forced to call off their own protest, admitting it would be “a suicide mission” to attempt to march through London’s East End.

The East End of London has a fine tradition of standing up to racists and fascists. Local people blocked Mosley’s Blackshirts in the 1930s. They drove the BNP out of the borough in the 1990s.

More details of the 3 September anti-EDL demonstration will be released in due course following consultation with community and antiracist organisations.

Please note this date has changed – the event is no longer scheduled for August.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Say NO to Nazi Bands in north London!

On Saturday 25th June, the Slimelight club in Islington will host a concert featuring bands with a history of fascist and racist links.

Love Music Hate Racism approached the Slimelight management, asking them to cancel the event because we believe racisma nd fascism have no place in our community. Hosting such events gives encouragement to racists and violent thugs everywhere.

Slimelight have refused to cancel.

Slimelight’s owner, May Uan Mak, insists the gig must go ahead, despite knowing the history and views of the bands, saying: “These bands do have clear fascist connections... It would be impossible for me to deny that” and “art can be fascist too. The fascist language can be just as powerful as any other language.”

Tony Wakeford, founder of the headlining group Sol Invictus, was an activist in the National Front. Since then, he has taken part in initiatives supporting the extreme right. He has often worked with known fascists, such as Michael Moynihan, who published a book which celebrates the random killing of Jews and mixed-race couples. One member of his band, Andrew King recently released a recording of a song with lyrics about “monkey men” and “only the smell of blood will smother the smell of subhuman dung”, and concludes: “you’ll never kill the Aryan soul... White man was born for battle”?

We believe that the majority attending the gig will not be racists or fascists, nor
be aware of the extrreme right wing links shared by Sol Invictus and their support acts.

This is certainly the case for most people who use and enjoy the venue on other nights.

We appeal to those fans to join Love Music Hate Racism, anti-racist groups, trade unionists, local activists and the diverse community in Islington in condemning this concert.

We believe that such associations are reason enough not to allow this concert to go ahead. We also believe that the vast majority of Slimelight fans reject the vile
beliefs of racists, and we call on them to join us in telling Slimelight to cancel the


Islington South Labour MP Emily Thornberry says: “It’s a shame and a disgrace that these peddlers of poison are playing in Islington. We have a proud history of tolerance in this borough”.

Contact Love Music Hate Racism on 020 7801 2781 or email to get involved, or just come to show your support and help keep our streets racist-free.

Slimelight (Electrowerkz)
7 Torrens Street, Islington
Saturday June 25th 7pm

Friday 11 February 2011

Billy Bragg heads list opposing Cameron on multiculturalism

Thursday 10 February 2011

Billy Bragg heads list opposing Cameron on multiculturalism

Musician Billy Bragg, Comedian Mark Steel, NAPO general secretary Jonathan Ledger and Elaine Smith MSP head the list of people who have signed a petition opposing David Cameron’s attack on multiculturalism.

Hundreds of other people have also added their names to the petition, launched yesterday, after Cameron’s attack on multiculturalism and Britain’s Muslims sparked outrage.

>> Add your name and pass on this link

Here are just some of the petition signatories today

Billy Bragg musician, Asian Dub Foundation band, Mark Steel comedian/writer, Tim Wilson national chair NAPO, Jonathan Ledger general secretary NAPO, Elaine Smith Member of Scottish Parliament, George Hickman national committee Unite/GPM, Clive Dixon chair Jaguar Land Rover Unite branch 5/590, Abjol Miah national chair Respect, Sarah Soyei Show Racism the Red Card, Mark Dolan CWU London Area rep, Salah Beltagui convenor Muslim Council of Scotland, Andy Lawson branch secretary PCS DWP North London, Cllr Nick Forbes Labour group leader Newcastle City Council, Duale Yusuf chair Somali Youth Congress, Kevin Deegan-Hall NORSCARF, Paul Mackney former general secretary UCU, Kambiz Boomla GP, Jim Board branch secretary Doncater Unison, Jolyon Jones branch secretary Solihull Local Government, Paul Brandon chair Right to Work campaign, Barry Levine Scottish Jews for a Just Peace, Ali Ahmed treasurer Bangladesh Association, Cardiff, Dave Rogers artistic director, Banner Theatre.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

London Transport to Luton on 5th February

Please note, the departure time has been revised for transport to Luton.

Calling all London UAF supporters:

Transport for Luton will now be leaving London at 8.30am, from York Way, London N1 (Kings Cross tube station).

Please contact the UAF North London to reserve your place (£6.50 per seat).

call: 07818553443

Wednesday 12 January 2011

All antiracists and antifascists should be in Luton on Sat 5 Feb

Wednesday 12 January 2011

All antiracists and antifascists should be in Luton on Sat 5 Feb

UAF is calling on antiracists and antifascists across the country to mobilise against the English Defence League in Luton on Saturday 5 February.

The EDL, a violent racist organisation with links to the British National Party and other fascist groups, has called a ‘protest’ on that day – they describe it as going ‘back where it all began’.

It is clear what they mean: the EDL was formed after masked racist thugs went on the rampage through Luton last year, attacking Asian residents and spreading fear and intimidation.

That is the reason they are targeting Luton again – their own publicity is designed to remind its supporters of their hate-filled history. They claim Luton will be their biggest demonstration yet.

They are refusing to cooperate with police and EDL divisions are planning to split up and roam around the town in groups to threaten and intimidate local residents, especially Muslims. Their aim is to go on the rampage again.

UAF believes we need to have a peaceful counter-protest that makes it clear racists aren’t welcome in Luton. We are urging people to gather in Luton town centre for a peaceful counter-protest.

Assemble: 12 noon, George Square, Luton

We will also be supporting local people who will be gathering in the Bury Park area, where many local Muslims live, to help defend local homes and places of worship.

UAF national officer Martin Smith said:

It’s time now to make a stand. We cannot allow racists to rampage through our towns, threatening and attacking Muslims or anyone else. We urge all antiracists and antifascists to come to Luton on 5 February, in the largest possible numbers.

Local UAF groups should organise transport to be in Luton by midday and to leave the town no earlier than 4pm.

Where antiracists and antifascists have turned out in numbers to show their opposition to the EDL and to support our diverse, multicultural communities, the EDL has been unable to run rampage as it did in Luton last year.

We need to build the widest possible opposition to the EDL and their anti-Muslim racism and violence. We need to stand up for unity in our community.

>> Read the statement supporting the Luton demo
>> Download leaflets
>> Read more about the Luton demo

Getting to Luton

We will have transport details from around the country shortly.

London UAF groups will be meeting up at York Way, next to Kings Cross station, at at 10.30am and will leave for Luton at 11am sharp. Please bring £6.50 towards transport costs if you are coming from London.

Photo: Balaclava-clad racists in Luton, May 2009. Copyright: Martin Spooner

Wednesday 29 December 2010

EDL backs down on Terry Jones: now stop home-grown racists

The English Defence League has backed down over its plans to invite Terry Jones – the anti-Muslim racist US pastor who sparked international outrage with calls to burn the Qur’an – to its demonstration in Luton on Saturday 5 February.

Jones is pastor of a church with just 50 members but his call to burn the Qur’an on the anniversary of 9/11 made him a key figure for anti-Muslim racists around the world.

The EDL, an organisation of racist thugs with links to the British National Party and other fascist groups, had boasted it was “proud to announce” that vicious racist and homophobic bigot Jones would speak at its demonstration in Luton on 5 February.


But the EDL has been forced to backtrack after its announcement sparked widespread revulsion among the public in Britain and abroad. The racist thugs did not have the confidence to carry through their invitation.

It has been reported that home secretary Teresa May was considering a ban on Jones. But that is not why the EDL backed off – home office bans on EDL marches in Bradford, Leicester and elsewhere have done nothing to stop the EDL from mobilising.

The EDL includes hardcore fascists who periodically try to “harden up” its racist support. From time to time, they test the water to see how far they can push their violent racism.


Where they have been pushed back this has been because the vast majority of ordinary people reject the EDL’s racism and violence and because antiracists and antifascists have been prepared to mobilise against them and demonstrate that opposition on the streets.

That is why it is essential that antiracists and antifascists turn out again to oppose the EDL in Luton on Saturday 5 February, when UAF is organising a major demonstration against them.

The EDL was formed after masked racist thugs went on the rampage through Luton last year, attacking Asian residents and spreading fear and intimidation.

That is the reason they are targeting Luton again – their own publicity is designed to remind its supporters of their hate-filled history.

Home-grown racists

The invite to US pastor Terry Jones was designed to whip up publicity for the EDL – but he is not the main event. The problem in this country is the home-grown racists of the EDL.

We need to build the widest possible opposition to the EDL and their anti-Muslim racism and violence.

The campaign to push back the EDL and marginalise their racist hatred must not be scaled back because Terry Jones will no longer be coming. Let’s show the EDL they are not wanted here either.